9 de fevereiro de 2012

The Irish Day

Dear Godmother,

It´s quite hard to define what we´re feeling at this very moment.

Of course, we´re sad. Really sad and already missing you and uncle Lino. But, in the other hand, I´m extremely happy. Because I know how importante it is for you both.

So, I wish you the best lucky. I hope you´ll enjoy every minute, every new knowledgement, every experience. As dad says: “it won´t be easy, but it will be great.”

If you need something call me, e-mail me, post something on internet. Probably, I will start to say some words  during the time you stay oversea, and hopefully I wil learn three special little words: I love you.

Remember that on the darkest hours. And remember that I’ll be here supporting for your success.

Wish you the best,

PS – I’ll also learn to speak this setence: “Dad, take me to Ireland!” Who knows him and mommy get fancy to visit you? (with me, obviously)  ;)

4 comentários:

  1. Hey Ju! I make yours words mine: good luck folks! Who knows me and Uncle Rafa would visit you? Kisses

  2. Little Daughter and Uncle Lino,

    Make this new year that starts today to you, the best year ever! Take care each other and remember every day the promisse that you did to me. Jú is witness!

    Love you,

  3. Well I still do not know any English .... And not even left Brazil ....

    I do not know enough English to answer them in English ..
    But a little help of the translator sought to be cute ... lol (even though he misses a lot)

    It's amazing how good-bye knowing that we will stay away for a long time is different from how a farewell shortly. I am very happy to make a wish, a dream. Even knowing the risks and uncertainties.

    But Dinda sampa these days and all day yesterday that we greatly moved me very closely ...
    Have I left crying, missing a lot ... I knew I loved you ... But did not think that love was so great .... (siblings, in-laws, father, mother, Dalde, grandmother, aunts, uncles, friends - You do parde this great love, each with their own way, with his way of expressing to show it, but love of children is 100 % and sincere expression of julie left me tight ... it seemed that she was understanding everything better ... I'm sure she was ....)
    Julia is a representation of how much you are important in my life ...

    Whenever you can send news note:

    We will be very happy ... If you resolve to visit us ..

    Kisses and hugs strong Dinda and Uncle Lino Dindo

  4. Jú obrigada por deixar postarmos aqui no seu Blog, mensagens para sua Dinda e Tio Lino.

    Eu não sei patavinas de Inglês...rsrsrs
    Porém, com ajuda do tradutor me emocionei com tantas palavras bonitas....kkkk
    Mas, o que eu desejo à essas lindas crianças e em especial à minha pequenina é que não perca nenhuma oportunidade de aprender, apreender, viver, se emocionar e ser muito, muito feliz!!!!
    Estou aqui sempre com vocês, longe geograficamente mas pertinho de coração.
    Deus abençoe aos dois!!!


